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Death Ray
Player ID: 151228
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Regeneration : 534
Energetic immunity : 639
Trade sense : 386
Briskness : 462
Initiative : 409
Defence : 2778
Attack : 5667
Power : 577
Luck : 329
Herbalism : 129
Volition : 620
Cartography : 152
Woodcutting : 120
Experimentalism : 93
Gardening : 94
*excavation : 60
Mining : 60
Waterhandling : 60
Filtering : 61
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Silver Set
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Element Principle = 4000
Principle of Light = 4000
Darkness Principle = 374
Principle of Imagination = 4000
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Battle stats
Won: 3790 | Lost: 3829
Honor: 1829
MindPower: 5
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My beloved Zoe

Alas! My soul is torn! My beloved Zoe is gone forever. In trust I took you're hand in mine. I was naive to think I was ready for what you had to offer.

You where discreet in you're maleolent ways. You had forsaken me from the start.I was unable to discern you're true intent. You had unhallowed my name to an uncanny level.

A dirge was you're love song, and you never debarred from you're deceit. I now lament over what we have become. But now you are nothing more than a lamia of my youth. You have made my name delusive and void. But may now call me Death Ray!

And you're stigma no longer dwells within my heart, I am now free from you're anarchist ways. You where ambivalent with me and deeply introversive. I now live in a state of nirvana, without you my dear Zoe. You can no longerinveigle me. There is nothing more you can inveigh against me to change my mind over you. My once beloved Zoe. With many regrets I know I must say goodbye...farwell my beloved Zoe...

                                                                  MY PAST LIFE                                                                                                                                                                            I am me and nothing more. A nobody, someone you would hate to run across in the street. Countless felonies and a clock full of time wasted in vain. Life is horrible. Misery follows me. The hurt and pain of the past are more than I can stand and yet I’m still here. I am unable to get through the past though it may be done and over with, it still plays in my mind like it was happening right then and there. I am a lost person looking for an alternative way, but I can only see where I look at my head is held low. I see nothing there for I know nothing, but I am far from stupid though it may not show. Nothing would bring me more pleasure than a mournful death filled with the pains & sorrows and all the trouble I leave in my wake. I dread the night for I know it only brings sleep, my dreams haunt me. I have hunted those unfortunate souls of the past. The past is the Devil, always there, never letting you have a moment of peace. Idle times are much like being dead. I believe mind lost, adrift in a sea of hopelessness. Life never stops, not for moment. Even at the worst of times, it only seems to past by ever faster than before.
Death is the single most painful occurrence in one’s life. It is pain beyond belief. Pain that never leave you be. Even in the dreams, in your sleeping mind, it is always there on your mind. So much sorrow, I should not keep to myself but I fear the worst if it ever comes forth. The rage you fell towards the one you hate the most is nothing compared to the loss of a dearly loved person in your life. The things I live through do not make me stronger, they only take me closer to death for in truth it is all we can count on. Its here with us day in day out. It may be far from sight, but it only creeps closer.

I am numb from head to toe. I will never be free to enjoy a sensational life experience. For all I go through to ease the troubles of my mind, I only block out the entire negative and grow numb. My heart still beats along with my lungs yet I don’t feel as though I ever lived. Novocain must fill my stomach, for where else would such numbness enter such a soul as mine.

Whatever you do with your life, never forget to say those three words. No one seems to stop to think about it much, but truth be told, you may never see someone ever again once you depart from them. It should be a crime not to say I LOVE YOU. Your retched soul may be bound up much like a criminal in a prison cell never to see the light of day, and then what would your life be like? Knowing you never got to say I LOVE YOU that one last time. Never again able to embrace them with your love for them again till that day comes, I pray to the Lord my soul he keeps, for that is all I have got. Until my time comes I will forever suffer the worst way possible. I LOVE YOU!

is so sad.is so bad.so full of hate.to many berdens we must bear day to day,it only seems to get worst by the minet.dont want to live,but to die would be to easy.live is to vainaty,as as hell is to earth.from my world to yours,from there world to the next there all realy f***ing stupid!to dream is to fantasy for i dream to live but fantasize to die,where my world ends,no one knows how it began.

Some of my creatures
Majestic Winderwild Unholy Pope Unholy Priest II Master Lorerootian Archer Walking Tree Pimped Grasan Huvourer Rustgold Combat Drachorn Skill Vampire Elemental V





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Forgiveness in a relationship of love is essential. We all make mistakes and we must make amends and fix the relationship. There is a certain sadness in breaking the illusion of the perfect relationship. However, for those that pass the hurdle of forgiveness, they will find that their relationship is stronger and more meaningful than ever before. Before the first fight, the relationship is like a fagile egg. Once that illusion is broken the relationship becomes much stornger. You become aware that your relationship can survive a disagreement. 


I hate you because you hate me
just because I'm not you
you think I am a burden but its not true
I'm stuck in this world on my own
with no emotions shown no one to love me and people that pretend
My heart is in no condition to even mend
I'm tired of all the lies
you have no consideration for me and my tries
Nobodies perfect and neither are you
believe it or not this statement is true
I am who I am your approval is not needed
I love me, I guess I'm conceited I would never change especially for a person like you,
if I had a chance to changes live with someone it most defiantly wouldn’t be you.
Like it or not I live my life the way I can I'm going to try... I'm going to try the best I can to prove you wrong It wont take very long All I have to do is take your blows, your insults, whatever you dish out and be strong...


My dearest daddy 'I love you',

I think of you each day.

I feel your arms around me,

That’s how I get through my days.

You’re looking down upon me,

To guide me on my way,

But it’s very hard without you,

Each and every day.

People always tell me,

The grieving will subside.

But how can it get better, without you by my side.

No matter how hard they try,

To help me with this pain,

I am all consumed by thinking,

It will never be the same.

I know one day we'll meet,

In the Heavens up above.

It's the one thing that helps me,

To never forget your love.

My dearest Daddy, I love you,

You’re with me every day.

I will keep this love within me,

Until that beautiful day...

Rain Rain Rain,
Up above from the skies
Youu come,
As drops of joy
As drops of sorrow
As a shower of blessing from the heavens.
Rain Rain Rain,
Pitter patter pitter patter
on the window panes,
thunder and lightning fill up the skies
creating an orchestral symphony.
Rain Rain Rain,
With wind, sun and clouds,
seven colors you bring together
and joy in our hearts.
Rain Rain Rain
A miracle to a drought
A curse when in glut,
tiny silver crystals trickles from up above.

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(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).



MR's Training Grounds

Located at the Golden Globe Gazebo in MDA Gardens

MRHoly One

Death Ray

Please do not attack without prior knowledge of how we train. For information on how to attack ask one of our Staff members. We use ONLY non damaging rituals

Example of a Defense : Single Grassan set to Weaken Defense

Example of Attack : 4 Heretic Archers set to Weaken Defense, and 2 Winderwelds

We hope that everyone enjoys what we have created and please do not ruin it for other players by breaking the rules.

If you enter the Golden Globe Gazebo for any purpose, please set a single creature NON damage ritual, even if you do not wish to train

Violators WILL BE Prosectuted by .MRD.

Special thanks to these people for helping create the MR's Training Grounds

MRHoly One

Without their support and countless hours of testing this could not have been possible

Page 363 - The Inner Sun - Bo., Tar., Iam.
In a darkened corner of the Archives, four shadowy figures discuss their plan in hushed voices. All the important details are laid out, assignments are given, and contingencies are considered for the unforeseen. With a nod of the head, one man sets the plot in motion. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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